Welcome to Conard House
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Let's build communities that support everyone. Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve the quality of life for many.
Does your employer match your charitable donations? Check here to find out if your employer will match your gift to Conard House. Many employers match donations dollar-for-dollar, or more, potentially doubling or tripling your donation. Speak with your human resources department or click here to find out if your employer will match your donation to Conard House.
If you have questions, please send an email to admin@conard.org or call (415) 864-7833.
Conard House gladly accepts gifts of stock. Transfers of stock can be made through:
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Broker: Lionel Shaw
Conard House, Inc. Account #: 3176-7394
DTC: 0164 40
Make a contribution to Conard House in memory of a loved one or in honor of something or someone special.
For over 60 years Conard House has been empowering people and restoring hope for some of San Francisco's most vulnerable citizens. Your gift of cryptocurrency sustains our mission and expands our critical services and innovative programs offered to the 1,450 residents and clients we serve.
Conard House accepts gifts of cryptocurrency via The Giving Block platform. Please note, all gifts of cryptocurrency are non-refundable.
To learn more visit, The Giving Block
Venmo account: @ConardHouse
Please reach out to your DAF Provider to initiate the process. We are more than happy to help should you require support or assistance.
Conard House's EIN is 94-1489356
Because of you, Conard House has been awarded with
the 2023 Guidestar Gold Seal of Transparency.
Conard House, Inc.
1385 Mission Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94103
© 2025 Conard House, Inc. - All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
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